
We are a small, family run plant nursery located on a north facing hillside in the picturesque Shibden Valley, half a mile down the road from Shibden Hall, between Halifax and Hipperholme.

We grow and sell a superb range of hardy plants and grasses. Over the years we have chosen to grow plants with a wilder appearance, suited to a more naturalistic way of gardening as they are insect friendly and less attractive to slugs and snails.

Easter 1996 we opened our lane gate to fellow plant lovers and have been growing hardy herbaceous perennials and grasses ever since. So you can be sure our plants are carefully selected, nurtured and potted ready for you to choose from.

We warmly welcome visitors to our very special place and hope you find some treasures to take home with you.

If you prefer not to walk around our nursery and choose your plants please get in touch with us to place an order for collection. Plants are chosen from our 2024/5 Catalogue, please email to request a downloadable copy. To order please email or ring 01422 203553 leaving a message if no reply. Payment made by bank transfer, over the phone or on collection.

May we thank all our customers for their support over the years and hope to see you again soon. For those unable to visit us this year we hope you are well.

Best wishes Kim and Stephen.

2025 Open times

Wednesday to Saturday

10am to 5pm

2nd April to 27th September

Until 2nd April plants can be ordered via email or phone 01422203553 for collection.

No mail order of plants.

Vouchers can be ordered over the phone 01422203553 or email and posted.

To receive an electronic copy of our 2025 Catalogue please email

Growing cutting and arranging is one of life's pleasures. So we shall be selling a selection of annual plants suitable for cutting or containers or filling gaps.

Many thanks for bringing me jam jars i now have plenty.

During 2024 we raised £100 for Hillside Animal Sanctuary.




The beautiful images throughout the site are by kind permission of Marianne Majerus. More images at


Dove Cottage Nursery

Growing hardy plants and grasses well for you


Photography copyright MarianneMajerus